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    Code      Monochrome     Color         Background  Foreground
    -----     ----------     -----         ----------  ----------
      0       Black          Black           Sample      Sample 
      1       Underlined     Blue            Sample      Sample 
      2                      Green           Sample      Sample 
      3                      Cyan            Sample      Sample 
      4                      Red             Sample      Sample 
      5                      Magenta         Sample      Sample 
      6                      Brown           Sample      Sample 
      7       White          White           Sample      Sample 

      8                      Grey            Sample      Sample 
      9       Brt Underline  Bright Blue     Sample      Sample 
      A                      Bright Green    Sample      Sample 
      B                      Bright Cyan     Sample      Sample 
      C                      Bright Red      Sample      Sample 
      D                      Bright Magenta  Sample      Sample 
      E                      Yellow          Sample      Sample 
      F       Bright White   Bright White    Sample      Sample 


  Example of Using Character Attribute Combinations:

         To display a GREEN foreground on a BLUE background.

                       ^A1A Your Text ^n

         Displays as:    Your Text 

                       ^A      Specifies a character attribute.
                         1     Specifies a background of BLUE.
                          A    Specifies a foreground of GREEN.

         To return the screen to normal color. Use the ^n normal attribute.

         To display a  GREEN  foreground on a WHITE background.

                       ^A7A Your Text ^n

         Displays as:    Your Text 

                       ^A      Specifies a character attribute.
                         7     Specifies a background of WHITE.
                          A    Specifies a foreground of GREEN.

        To return the screen to normal color. Use the ^n normal attribute.

         Graphics cards in 16 color EGA mode do not allow background
         colors to display in high intensity (^A8 and greater). The
         use of the high intensity attribute with background colors
         will cause the display to blink.


See Also:
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson